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What is FandomHub

The API is designed to provide accurate and up-to-date data on anime and manga series, allowing users to query, search, and manage relevant information. It also includes advanced features for creating and managing personalized lists of anime and manga.

Key Features

  • Advanced Anime Search: Find anime by title, genre, year, airing status, and more. Get detailed information such as synopsis, production studios, genres, episodes, duration, and ratings.

  • Detailed Manga Search: Search for manga by title, author, genre, and publication status. Access relevant information such as synopsis, author, status, and volumes.

  • Complete Title Details: Access profiles for anime and manga, including featured images, plots, main characters, and statistics on popularity and ratings.

  • Release Calendar: Dates for new episodes and chapters, with the latest updates.

  • Personalized Recommendations: Suggestions based on user interests and previously visited content, with precise recommendations for related anime and manga.

  • Custom Anime and Manga Lists: Create and manage personalized lists of anime and manga. Users can add titles to their own lists, categorize them, and track their progress and preferences.

  • Reviews and Ratings: Publish and view detailed reviews and opinions on anime and manga, with options to rate and comment.

  • Secure Authentication: Access personalized features and manage user data securely through authentication and permissions.

Documentation and Usage

For more details on how to integrate the FandomHub API, refer to our Documentation. It includes examples of requests and responses, authentication guides, and error handling.


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