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AnimeListItem model

The AnimeListItem model represents an individual entry in an AnimeList, tracking specific details about the anime, including status and progress.


animelist_id foreign key

A foreign key relationship to the AnimeList the item belongs to.

anime_id foreign key

A foreign key relationship to the Anime being tracked.

status string

The current status of the anime, with choices defined in AnimeStatusChoices.

episodes_watched integer

The number of episodes watched.

score integer

A score assigned to the anime, with choices defined in ScoreChoices.

start_date date

The date when the user started watching the anime.

finish_date date

The date when the user finished watching the anime.

tags JSON

A list of tags associated with the anime.

priority string

The priority of watching the anime, with choices defined in PriorityChoices.

storage string

The storage method for the anime, with choices defined in StorageChoices.

times_rewatched integer

The number of times the anime has been rewatched.

notes string

Any notes related to the anime.

order integer

The order of the item in the list.

is_watched boolean

Indicates whether the anime is marked as watched.

is_favorite boolean

Indicates whether the anime is marked as a favorite.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the character was first created. This field is automatically populated when the entry is initially saved.

updated_at datetime

The date and time of the last update. This field is automatically refreshed each time the entry is modified and saved.

is_available boolean

Indicates is available or not. The default value is True.