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ClubMember model

The ClubMember model represents a member of a club. It includes fields to store information about the club, user, and the date they joined.


club_id foreign key

The club to which the member belongs. This is a foreign key relationship with the Club model and is limited to clubs that are available.

user_id foreign key

The user who is a member of the club. This is a foreign key relationship with the User model and is limited to users who are available.

joined_at datetime

The date and time when the user joined the club. This field is auto-populated when a record is created.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the character was first created. This field is automatically populated when the entry is initially saved.

updated_at datetime

The date and time of the last update. This field is automatically refreshed each time the entry is modified and saved.

is_available boolean

Indicates is available or not. The default value is True.