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News model

The News model represents a news entry in the database. It includes various fields to store information such as the title, description, content, image, source URL, tag, and relations to anime and manga. Additionally, it stores information about the author of the news.


name string

The title of the news article.

description string

A brief description of the news article.

content text

The full content of the news article.

image image

An image associated with the news article. The image is uploaded to a specific path defined by the picture_image_path function.

source URL

The source URL of the news article.

tag string

A tag categorizing the news article. The tag field has predefined choices defined by TagChoices and defaults to TagChoices.PENDING.

anime_relations many-to-many

A many-to-many relationship with the Anime model, allowing the news article to be associated with multiple anime entries.

manga_relations many-to-many

A many-to-many relationship with the Manga model, allowing the news article to be associated with multiple manga entries.

author_id foreign key

A foreign key relationship with the User model, referencing the author of the news article. The author must have is_available set to True.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the character was first created. This field is automatically populated when the entry is initially saved.

updated_at datetime

The date and time of the last update. This field is automatically refreshed each time the entry is modified and saved.

is_available boolean

Indicates is available or not. The default value is True.