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Person model

The Person model represents an individual associated with the anime industry, such as a voice actor, director, or other staff. It includes various fields to store information about the person's name, image, alternate names, birthday, biographical details, website, language, category, and favorites count.


name string

The unique name of the person.

given_name string

The given name (first name) of the person. This field is optional.

family_name string

The family name (last name) of the person. This field is optional.

image image

The profile image of the person. It must be a JPG or WEBP file, with a maximum size of 1 MB and dimensions not exceeding 1080x1080 pixels. This field is optional.

alternate_names JSON

A list of alternative names for the person. This field is optional.

birthday date

The birth date of the person. This field is optional.

about text

A biographical description of the person. This field is optional.

website URL

The personal or professional website of the person. This field is optional.

language string

The language primarily spoken by the person. The default value is Japanese, and it can be one of the choices defined in LanguageChoices.

category string

The category of the person's role in the industry, such as voice actor or director. It is one of the choices defined in CategoryChoices.

favorites positive integer

The number of users who have marked this person as a favorite. The default value is 0.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the character was first created. This field is automatically populated when the entry is initially saved.

updated_at datetime

The date and time of the last update. This field is automatically refreshed each time the entry is modified and saved.

is_available boolean

Indicates is available or not. The default value is True.