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Profile model

The Profile model represents user profiles in a MyAnimeList-based app. It stores user-related information such as names, birth date, bio, profile image, and cover image.


user_id one-to-one

A one-to-one relationship to the User model, representing the user associated with the profile.

first_name string

The user's first name.

last_name string

The user's last name.

birth_date date

The user's birth date.

bio string

A brief biography of the user.

image image

The user's profile image. The image is validated to be a jpg, png, or webp file with a maximum size of 1 MB and dimensions of 600x600 pixels.

cover image

The user's cover image. The image is validated to be a jpg, png, or webp file with a maximum size of 1 MB and dimensions of 1200x600 pixels.

Additional Methods

__str__ method

Returns the username of the associated user.

full_name property

Returns the full name of the user by combining the first name and last name.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the character was first created. This field is automatically populated when the entry is initially saved.

updated_at datetime

The date and time of the last update. This field is automatically refreshed each time the entry is modified and saved.

is_available boolean

Indicates is available or not. The default value is True.